monday wls express
glad you are making an effort to be nice to mr W, I know he rubs you the wrong way but maybe just maybe he has turned a corner and become a better person- being employeed counts for something right?
not so much glad for his sake as YOURS b/c you love your daughter and peaceful relationships are soooo much nicer-

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
I'm moving very slow today. I started back working 9's at work. That means I am off every other Monday. I can get all my errands done and or do nothing at all on that day.
This weekend we went to the lease. The weather was perfect. I sure do miss my hubby being able to hike and do physical stuff. He is suppose to call his doc to set a appointment to have his back surgery. All we can do is pray to God it gives him some relief because what he is doing is just bearly going through the motions as far as living life. I want my old active Doug back.
Hugs to y'all. I hope you all have the best day possible. I need to get off of here and be productive today.
Smile, it increases your face value.
Things at my church are hopefully working towards reconciliation. We've got some meetings set up in a few weeks to vote on elders and get some things temporarily settled. There are lots of hurt feelings, sadness and grief over some very important people leaving, but I hope that we can work through it and come out stronger in the long run.
OK, now to go stare at my work computer and hope it connects soon. Have a great day and do something nice for yourself today!
Good morning everyone,
Monday already? Ugh. OK, to make the journey easier, Matt and I joined LA Fitness last week. We will not be using the personal trainer again though. Matt was in so much pain the last 2 days he could barely sleep. All the guy did was work his arms. Come on now, the man has abs, legs, etc.... Anyway, they will get a piece of my mind later and that will be that. I still need excercises that do not utilize my hands. I will work my own way around the gym for that since the General Manager of the Personal Trainers didn't seem to manage that one for me. OK, sorry. I'll stop fussing. My body is my responsibility, I can't blame others.
I ordered from a Pampered Chef fund raiser today and decided to find out about maybe hosting my own show and maybe even becoming a consultant. Since I'm unemployed right now and I don't know anyone else that is a consultant, I thought this might be a good thing. If anyone has an opinion on that, let me know. I figured living in Bedford, Central location, was a good thing for me with that too. Nowhere is a really long drive for me. We'll see.
Hope everyone is having a great Monday. It's all in the attitude, right? Welcome back Karen, we've missed you. Saying prayers for all of you. Can't wait for Saturday. Que, stop panicing, it will be great.
Quick drive by here...but I wanted to say "Hi!".
Wonderful weekend- we went to the lake house Friday night. I took the fresh steaks from the butcher shop in West and we grilled them. We also took the brisket and smoked it. The steaks were to die for! Somedays it would be so easy for me to become a vegetarian- but after that steak Friday I would have to rethink
Saturday moring we got up at 10 and went running. Did a few miles, came back, took a shower and watched TV, read and napped all day. I got through most of The Shack. I'm not sure if I like it or not. We sat on the dock swing and spotted turtles and talked. The weather was perfect!
Yesterday we got up and took Kaylee to a friend's house so that she could go to Six Flags. Then we unloaded the 500lb bbq grill and it fell over. That was a mess- but we got it righted again. After that I took a shower and helped catch a horse. We got her saddled and headed to the rodeo grounds to meet the kids. After Addison's run, the horse got loose at the grounds and we and about 20 other people chased her for about 30 harrowing minutes. She got to have a "time-out" in the trailer for most of the evening. Addison's time hasn't been improving so we are giving her 8 weeks to work with the horse and then we are probably selling her along with another horse and then getting Addison a more competitive one. The other horse is getting old and slower. She is WONDERFUL for little kids but isn't a great barrel horse anymore. We want to get her to a family with small kids so that she can be back in her element. It'll be a sad day when she leaves.
Gotta get to work!
Love you guys!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>
Very busy weekend for me and it will continue until about 4pm next Sunday afternoon. We are making good progress but there is still much to do. House is a disaster and WE must get that taken care of. We are also working on some picture boards to have at Emm's dinner.
Work is no less than frustrating. Just sat down with my BIG boss and actually got some things done. HATE trying to go thru my supervisor because, as the big boss sees now, it doesn't get done or done right. Otherwise I am treading along. The company is making some major time schedule changes and I am not anxious to see what they are going to try to pull on me. Things just can't stay as they are.
Food choices sucked the big one this weekend so I am gonna work on the better stuff this week. I need it cuz I feel ucky.
Prayers for all those hurting, especially my Gina girl. Rusty was one special guy and I know you guys loved him very much. Blessings to the rest. Must get back to work .
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>